Simplify funding through loan sale.

Automatically optimize warehouse funding decisions to minimize cost of warehouse.

With OptiFunder's optimization software, you can automate your entire funding through loan sale process, from decisions to paydowns and everything in between, saving you time and resources.


Reduce warehouse expense and eliminate manual post-closing processes.

For CEOs & CFOs

Reduce your 2nd biggest P&L line item, provide line reporting and aggregate ROE analytics for warehouse management.*

For Operations

Request hundreds of wires from multiple warehouse lenders and complete monotonous data entry tasks in seconds. 

For Accounting

Automate daily wire and purchase advice receipt, reconciliation and LOS updates with clean data and easy to extract reporting.

*If accurate Warehouse Terms are in place and OptiFunder decisioning is followed. User Overrides impact results.

"We went from -30k interest expense before OptiFunder to $50k in positive carry per month with OptiFunder. OptiFunder is technology that actually does what it's supposed to do."


OptiFunder is the missing link between the primary origination process and the secondary market.

Streamlined Mortgage Process

OptiFunder was made to streamline your process.

OptiFunder leverages a proprietary optimization algorithm to optimize the loan funding decision and significantly reduce effective cost of warehouse.

OptiFunder integrates the mortgage originator, warehouse lender, document custodian, and investors providing a seamless funding transaction.

Current Convoluted Mortgage Process

Your current process is convoluted.

Independent mortgage originators utilize multiple revolving funding facilities to fund their loans, all of which have unique terms and restrictions making it impossible to know which line to use to fund every loan.

The mortgage originators’ systems are not connected to the warehouse lenders’ systems which are not connected to the document custodians’ systems creating inefficient and costly transactions.


Funding through loan sale has never been easier with highly configurable, automated workflows.

Take Control of Your Cost of Capital

Automatically optimize warehouse allocation decisions based on your strategic goals.

Eliminate Manual Tasks

Automate funding requests, wire instruction data checks, reporting, collateral shipping, purchase advice receipt and reconciliation, and paydown requests.

Manage & Increase Return on Investment

Gain real-time insights on your optimized expenses so you can make more strategic decisions.


With connections to most LOS, Warehouse Lenders, Investors, and Doc Custodians, true warehouse management is just a few clicks away.

Reduce Warehouse Expense Icon

Warehouse Select

Cut funding expense by automatically selecting the best warehouse line every time.

Wire Data Check Icon

Wire Data Check

Reduce risk by automatically detecting wire instruction anomalies.

Optimize Warehouse Funding Icon

Funding Automation

Maximize efficiency by automating all funding processes from one hub.

Automated Loan Shipping Icon

Shipping Automation

Reduce dwell time by expediting shipping and fast-tracking payoffs.

Automated Purchase Advice Icon-1

Purchase Advice

Streamline loan sales with automated Purchase Advice retrieval and reconciliation.

Analytics Icon

Robust Analytics

Optimize your process with robust data analytics and actionable insights in real-time.

Improve The Bottom Line

Achieve Lowest Cost of Capital and Increase Return on Investment

OptiFunder uses machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) to systematically decision where to fund loans on given warehouse lines based on unique loan eligibility characteristics, warehouse terms, pricing, and the lenders' financial objective.

Whether it is to achieve lowest cost of capital or return on equity, our propriety algorithm takes the manual guesswork out of warehouse lending.

WMS Screenshots (2)

Connected to nearly all warehouse lenders, investors, vendors, and LOS.

Freddie Mac
Fannie Mae
Meridian Link
ICE Mortgage Technology
Byte Software
Black Knight

Real Savings Example

While interest rates rose rapidly, our client was able to reduce warehouse expense by nearly
2.65 bps and saved $710,949 over 23 months (or $30,911/month on avg.).


The client is an independent, retail mortgage lender licensed in 37 states. Average monthly volume funded during the period was $101.7mm, utilizing five warehouse facilities. 


The OptiFunder WMS has a rules-based decision engine which enables originators to optimize decisions to meet strategic objectives such as achieving the lowest cost of capital.


The number of FTE resources used for Funding processes was cut by 2/3 from 3 to 1. While interest rates rose rapidly, the client was able to reduce warehouse expense by nearly 2.65 bps and saved an average of $30,911/mo.


Here's What Our Clients Have to Say

“We were an early OptiFunder customer and have since added every feature. We’re more efficient with OptiFunder, and able to focus more of our operations resources on supporting originations.”

"After our OptiFunder demo, we knew we could achieve significant savings. We moved quickly to implement; within a month we were able to start reducing expenses and automating processes."

“The automation for funding and purchase advices has greatly improved our efficiency. The OptiFunder team has a genuine interest in listening to their clients’ feedback and delivering dynamic enhancements to an already impressive platform.”


Awards & Affiliations for OptiFunder

The Mortgage Collaborative
innovations 2024 Award Winner Seal
ICE Partner
Lenders One

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